22 July, 2016

27 July Wednesday's Squash SMASH Tourney

Wow - we went from having a full house of 16 players two weeks ago down to not enough players to field a tournament last week. I blame Pokemon.... I hope everyone that had 'something better to do' caught a rare Pokemon.

27 July is a whole new week! 

Just two weeks ago we had a full house tournament last week: 16 players and $240 in prize money. Read the full details in the Results from July 13 Wed. Squash SMASH below.

I highly recommend you sign up online if you think you will make it. 

Squash Smash Registration Form
So we can start on time, please be there no later than 6:15 to pay, warm up, and start.You are not guaranteed a spot until you have paid the entry fee ($15, cash only for now) before the draw at 6:30pm.

Remember - there is a 16 player max in this tourney. Priority will be given to those that sign up online. If we fill up to 16, walk-in's will go on a stand-by list until all online registrants have checked in.  

I will be live tweeting in with pictures and some match video this week, so if you can't make it, you can follow the action on Twitter @EvenSquash.

If you do plan to play and if you haven't already, please help me out and reserve a 1-hour block on courts 2, 3, and 4 from 6:30 - 8:30 on www.MyLT.com

Hope to see you there!

  - Bob -

For more information about the tourney, check out Weekly Wed. Squash SMASH Tourney.


  1. Hello Bob!! I am Omar...Fernanda´s Father!! She can not make it tomorrow!!!She has an appointment in the school and we dont have enough time to hit the 615...Apologize for this! Cheers

    1. Bummer to hear that. What time do you think you can make it? If you are a few minutes late.... it's not that big of a deal. 6:40 is usually when play starts. If not, no worries - there will always be next week!

  2. Well that´s the main point my friend! ;) we dont know exactly the hour :) and she dont want to fail the time..I think is better to leave it for the next!! Enjoy!!!
